
「乗らねえ豚は、ただの豚だ」黒の豚 × サーフィン

ハワイの黒豚サーファー カマ(Kama)のサーフィン映像!なんとプロサーファーとしてデビューし「Hurley」「GoPro」といった大手がスポンサーに…


豚のサーファー カマ(Kama)は、飼い主のカイ・ホルトがオアフ島にある自宅のプールサイドに迷い込んで来た子ブタの母親が見当たらなかったため、生後一週間ほどだったカマ(Kama)を保護して、家で飼うことに決めたという。

Hey erybody! Come to sandys Saturday May 9th and join in on an epic, all day, fun filled, world wide production! Nows your time to shine! Hope to see you there. Thanks! Now les go! Oink oink! Imma rockin dis joint! Imma roll up da bush! Light it up in dis joint! Imma boink boink! Hard! Like a rock in dis joint! Rock it right roun da clock! I tick tock in dis joint! Haha;) Tick tock it! Plug in da socket! Gimme da microphone! Imma rock it! Rock it! Aww shizness! Pleasure wit business! She get da business! Jizz when she kizz dis! Haha;) On my snout I! put it inner mout! I do da funky dance! Put it in! Pull it out I! Do da hokie pokie and she spin herself around! Dats what it’s all about! Haha;) Yeah! It is funny bu! She be like my honey dew! Sweet! When she here! Days are beautiful and sunny dude! Money dude! Make it! Money maker! Shake it! The world is yours! Yeah it is! Imma take it! Ha;) Imma rob it! Steal your heart! Throb it! Ok he’s a goon! But what’s a goon to a goblin?! Ha;) Imma beast man! Surf eat sleep man! Bleep bleep! Surf eat sleep bleep repeat man! Day dream believe! Under! Over achiever! Eager! Eater! Beaver! Giver! Receive her! Haha;) oink oink;-)) @chu @braiden808 @hidentitysurf @localmotionsurf @gr3enenergy @bombereyewear @kentajes @hawaiianola @alohakings @boobieshack @alohasub aloha;)

Kamapua’aさん(@kamathesurfingpig)が投稿した写真 –

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